Title:The Nicky Line: The story of the Hemel Hempstead and Harpenden Railway (A Barracuda midnight special)
Author:Cannon (James & Hedley)
Price:GBP£18.00 (about USD$22.00)
Item ID:TP01-90766
Publisher:Barracuda Books, Chesham, 1977
Binding:Hardcover (Original Cloth)
Condition:Very Good
Dust Jacket:Very Good
Red cloth with dustwrapper. Illustrated with black and white photographs. Limited edition no. 305. Previous owner's name to endpaper, otherwise fine. Size: Octavo. 120 pages. Category: Railways; Hemel Hempstead and Harpenden Railway History; ISBN: 0860230503. ISBN/EAN: 9780860230502. Dewey Code: 385.094258.