Title:Tarka the Otter / The Peregrine's Saga / The Lone Swallows / Salar the Salmon / The Old Stag (Limited Illustrated Edition)
Author:Williamson, (Henry)
Price:GBP£150.00 (about USD$183.50)
Item ID:TP01-73194
Publisher:Putnam, London, 1945
Edition:Limited Signed
Illustrator:Charles Tunnicliffe
Dust Jacket:No
Describing themselves as a 'Limited Illustrated' edition, though no statement of limitation can be found, these five books are in uniform green cloth with Williamson's monogram in gilt on the front cover. They contain black and white illustrations by Tunnicliffe. There is a previous owner's ex libris plate on the pastedown of each. There are some pencil notes about when first read and the copy of Tarka has a note, in pen, giving the date of Williamson's death. Clearly a set much loved. Size: Octavo . Illustrator: Charles Tunnicliffe. Category: Fiction;