Title:Memoir of the Reign of James II
Author:Lonsdale, (John Lord Viscount)
Price:GBP£100.00 (about USD$122.10)
Signed:By Author
Item ID:TP01-56666
Publisher:T. Wilson and R.Spence, York, 1808
Condition:Very Good
Dust Jacket:No
A nice copy which has been recently recased in marbled paper boards and a red cloth spine. This copy is inscribed on the half-titleto John Brown with Lord Lonsdale's compliments in 1810 and then another hand, presumably John Brown's, has inscribed "For the library of the Admiralty, Somerset House, London, July 1858". Apart from the inscriptions in the interior is clean and bright. Size: Quarto. Category: History; Inscribed by Author.