Title:The British Naturalist or, Sketches of the More Interesting Productions of Britain and the Surrounding Sea, in the Scenes Which They Inhabit
Price:GBP£80.00 (about USD$102.00)
Item ID:TP01-55499
Publisher:Whittaker, Treacher & Co, London, 1830
Binding:Hardcover (Full Leather)
12mo. This is one of the first of Mudie's books on Natural History, published before his large ornithological works but also published anonymously. The interior of the two volumes are bright and clean and are illustrated by some fine woodcuts both on the illustrated title and frontis as well as in the text. The backstrips have been damaged in the past and competently repaired and although the leather over the hinges is split, the binding remains nice and tight. This is a fairly scarce work by Mudie. 2-volume set (complete). Category: Natural History & Resources; Animals & Birds.