Title:Contemporary Spanish Philosophy: An Anthology
Author:Aranguren, Gaos, Ibor et. al. (A. Robert Caponigri. Trans.), Jose Luis, Jose, Juan Jose Lopez et. al.
Price:AUD$27.00 (about USD$16.80)
Item ID:PW-15621
Publisher:University of Notre Dame, London, 1967
Binding:Hardcover (Original Cloth)
Condition:Very Good
Dust Jacket:Very Good
Contributors: Jose Luis Aranguren, Luis Diez del Corral, Jose Ferrater Mora, Jose Gaos, Pedro Lain Entralgo, Luis Legaz y Lacambra, Juan Jose Lopez Ibor, Julian Marias, Eduardo Nicol, Juan Zaragueta y Bengoechea and Xavier Zubiri. This is the first edition in the English language. Size: Octavo (standard book size). Text body is clean, and free from previous owner annotation, underlining and highlighting. Binding is tight, covers and spine fully intact. No foxing in this copy. Dust Jacket is in very good condition, without tears or chips or other damage. Dust Jacket un-clipped. Edges very slightly spotted or marked. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: Under 1 kilogram. Category: Philosophy; Spain; All our pictures shown here are of the actual item, not stock photos. Inventory No: 15621: Storage