Title:Chasing Australia's Last Steam Trains
Author:Hardacre & Hardacre, Mark / Kevan
Price:AUD$33.50 (about USD$20.80)
Item ID:PW-14106
Publisher:Rigby, 1977
Binding:Hardcover (Original Cloth)
Condition:Very Good
Dust Jacket:Very Good
One of a large specialist Railways and Train specialist and collectible books and ephemera all for sale at this site - search for keyword PWRAIL to inspect them all. Size: A4 (300 x 210mm approx.). Text body is clean, and free from previous owner annotation, underlining and highlighting. Binding is tight, covers and spine fully intact. No foxing in this copy. Dust Jacket is fully intact, no tears or chips, but carries signs of wear to top and bottom edges, corners etc. Dust Jacket un-clipped. Edges very slightly spotted or marked. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: 1-2 kilos. Category: Railways; Australia; ISBN: 0727003550. ISBN/EAN: 9780727003553. All our pictures shown here are of the actual item, not stock photos. Inventory No: 14106: 293