A historian, trying to finish a long-overdue book on Isaac Newton, rent a cottage not far by train from Dublin for the summer. All he need, he thinks, is a few weeks of concentrated work. Why, he must unravel, did Newton break down in 1693? What possessed him to write that strange letter to his friend John Locke? But in the long seeping summer days, old sloth and present reality take over. All pictures shown are of the actual product offered for sale. FFEP has been excised, I assume to remove a previous owner's details. Size: 180mm - 250mm. 82 pages. Dust Jacket has some shelf-wear, as well as some bumping to corners and extremities. Dust Jacket un-clipped. Covers have some shelf-wear, as well as some bumping to corners and extremities. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: Under 1 kilo. Category: Fiction; Britain/UK; ISBN: 0436032651. ISBN/EAN: 9780436032653. Inventory No: 21165.
A historian, trying to finish a long-overdue book on Isaac Newton, rent a cottage not far by train from Dublin for the summer. All he need, he thinks, is a few weeks of concentrated work. Why, he must unravel, did Newton break down in 1693? What possessed him to write that strange letter to his friend John Locke? But in the long seeping summer days, old sloth and present reality take over. All pictures shown are of the actual product offered for sale. FFEP has been excised, I assume to remove a previous owner's details. Size: 180mm - 250mm. 82 pages. Dust Jacket has some shelf-wear, as well as some bumping to corners and extremities. Dust Jacket un-clipped. Covers have some shelf-wear, as well as some bumping to corners and extremities. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: Under 1 kilo. Category: Fiction; Britain/UK; ISBN: 0436032651. ISBN/EAN: 9780436032653. Inventory No: 21165.