Of all the French dollmakers, for over half a century, Jumeau reigned supreme. Originally made as playthings, many of these dolls are, today, among the most sought after antiques, being fought-over at international auctions by some of the leading collectors._x000D_This history book, the most complete written on the subject to date, traces the chronology of Jumeau production from its beginnings in the 1840's through the end of the nineteenth century. Full color pictures, carefully chosen to show the beauty and different moods of the faces, are accompanied by text that provides collectors with important and interesting information. A current price guide, a special section on Jumeau marks, and a historical list of international prices and sizes are presented as important references. All pictures shown are of the actual product offered for sale. Top edge of DJ has extra creasing & bumping. Size: 250mm - 320mm. 119 pages. Dust Jacket has some shelf-wear, as well as some bumping to corners & extremities. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: 1-2 kilos. Category: Antiques & Collectibles; ISBN: 0887401155. ISBN/EAN: 9780887401152. Inventory No: 19841.
Of all the French dollmakers, for over half a century, Jumeau reigned supreme. Originally made as playthings, many of these dolls are, today, among the most sought after antiques, being fought-over at international auctions by some of the leading collectors._x000D_This history book, the most complete written on the subject to date, traces the chronology of Jumeau production from its beginnings in the 1840's through the end of the nineteenth century. Full color pictures, carefully chosen to show the beauty and different moods of the faces, are accompanied by text that provides collectors with important and interesting information. A current price guide, a special section on Jumeau marks, and a historical list of international prices and sizes are presented as important references. All pictures shown are of the actual product offered for sale. Top edge of DJ has extra creasing & bumping. Size: 250mm - 320mm. 119 pages. Dust Jacket has some shelf-wear, as well as some bumping to corners & extremities. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: 1-2 kilos. Category: Antiques & Collectibles; ISBN: 0887401155. ISBN/EAN: 9780887401152. Inventory No: 19841.