Title:Bob Dylan Scrapbook: 1956-1966 (Boxed), Hardcover (2005)
Item ID:AZ00-ABE333927000
Publisher:Gray Water Park Productions / Simon and Schuster, New York, NY, 2005
Condition:Very Good
Original Box slipcase has some light shelf and corner wear with one inch tear to lower corner of box slipcase otherwise looks very nice. Inside is The Dylan Scrapbook including rare photographs and removable documents, song lyrics and other memorabilia. Dylan scrapbook provides a look back at the early folk era and provides insight to the making of a folk legends during those eventful and formative years. Includes CD audio disk with excerpts from early interviews and his 1965 performance at the Newport Folk Festival. Very Collectible ...100,000 first printing. Also Includes facsimiles of hand written lyric sheets and additional memorabilia from that era. Minor wear but in very nice condition. Rare/scarce rm Rack 4 Shelf 1 64 pages. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: Under 1 kilo. Category: Music; ISBN: 0743228286. ISBN/EAN: 9780743228282. Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: ABE333927000.